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Winky s Quick Tips Cross slide and compound adjustmentsThis item can be shipped to United States. This item is in the category Business & Industrial\CNC, Metalworking & Manufacturing\Metalworking Equipment\Metalworking Lathes. Hardinge lathe #e double tool cross slide fits dsm-59, dv-59, hsl-59 overall dimensions 14 x 5-1/4 x 5 high.
2019 Priest Ordination Investiture with Stole and Chasuble and Anointing of Hands Casula, chasuble, vestment, casel, casulla kasel-messgewand front and back of a chasuble are identical. Deutsch Gefertiga aus vorgefertigte streifen, nicht gedruckt. La espalda de la casulla esta la misma como la pechera. English Made of machinery woven bands, not printed.
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